Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Neeley

Proudly flaunting my subscription receipt like it's a 5-digit UPA number. Love your writing, Neeley, and congratulations on reaching this milestone.

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Thanks, Ian! I appreciate you reading, hollering at me with your thoughts, and now subscribing. We've come a long way since Carr's...

Much love, my friend.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Neeley

Never subscribed to something quicker! Jonathan writes beautifully and each post offers insight on how to ride the emotional rollercoaster that is life. Highly recommend!

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I appreciate the kind words, Will. I'm also grateful to have come to know you over the last year and a half. You were one of the earliest friends I made through my work in ultimate and my words on this page, and the way you've championed both really has given me a ton of energy. I'm stoked you'll be along for the ride moving forward, and to watch the coming year unfold for you!

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Neeley

i love this next step! i'm consistently in awe of Neeley's emotional depth and incisive writing. this new evolution of paid subs makes sense, Neeley gives so much of himself to his work and is always empowering others to find their truth through writing. i find myself drawn to the specificity of his prose and how the more nuanced moments draw connections to my own life. his newsletter is a breath of fresh air to my inbox and cannot wait to see how paid subscribers unlocks a new level to the experience. it's a big dream that has purpose and i look forward to what's next!

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This is why you're my guy, Shake. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me until today, but had you realized that if you call Amsterdam/Windmill the beginning, you and I have been collaborating creatively for a decade? You're a for real inspiration, and a beloved listening ear. I'm really glad that my writing project has us back in closer orbit, and I really feel your vote of confidence.

Also, I forgot to put the link in the original email, but if you don't recognize the quote in the caption on this post, check the link now. Funny how it all adds up...

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Jonathan Neeley

What a gift that we have access to Jonathan's thoughts in this way. He has taken the time to think about his story, to encourage others to do so, and by doing so allowing us all to consider how we show up and move through the world. I don't always find that process easy, but I'm grateful that there's someone like Jonathan out there who puts in this work and is able to convey it in such a beautiful and relatable manner.

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Thank you for that, Kneil. I appreciate you recognizing that all this reflecting does indeed take time. It's worthwhile because it's a calling, but people's support is an affirmation that I'm doing the right thing by picking up the phone.

It also cuts both ways. I've learned a lot through working with you, and I'm excited about the fact that we're just getting started.

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Congratulations on taking this step, Jonathan. Your writing moves me and I appreciate how deep you are willing to take it. I am very glad to see how your gifts are touching more and more people. You're doing important work and I'm happy to get to follow your journey.

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Thanks, Michael. I love that our paths have crossed, and I'm blessed to be collaborating with you. I'm looking forward to what's ahead.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Jonathan Neeley

In a world full of opportunities to spend money frivolously - investing in Jonathan's writing is an easy choice. Bottom line - the world needs his voice. As an athlete, man, husband and dog lover - his insights bring heartfelt honesty to a discordant world. I am proud to know him and honored to help fill his dance card with my subscription. (I also highly recommend his writing classes!)

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I'm so glad to have you here, Anne. Don't ever forget: between covenant group, The Power of Now, and the Thich Nhat Hanh movie (the downtown one that I had to cancel on in favor of Silver Spring!), 0% of this-- and by "this" I mean a whooooole lotta things-- is happening.

Much love, my friend <3

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Hi there! I'm relatively new to Substack, but I LOVE birds and I love sharing fun facts about them.

If you have the time, please check out my blog and give me a follow or share! :)

Thanks in advance! <3

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Jonathan why are your subscribers giving testimonials here and not just speaking to you directly?

It's wonderful that your work resonates with others, has deep meaning. And if you can find a way to financially support yourself doing what you love, that is also wonderful.

But this idea of the birds and the bees sits uncomfortably with me. I personally write for myself and sometimes I am gifted a very sweet sincere response from someone who wants nothing in return.

I've written my whole life. Have only shared my work these past three years as a way to stay sane and have a voice. But writing saves me, has always saved me. And now has given me a vehicle where I can play and be creative.

If I offer it to the world that is my gift. I do not give to receive.

If I walk out into the world from a loving place towards strangers, that is my choice. There is giving and receiving coming from that place. A full loop.

If I send a stranger a poem I recorded. I hope only that I am offering solace. The solace I find in reading a beautiful poem of another. And possibly the solace of my voice.

There is a push here that makes me uncomfortable.

I hope you can hear my words.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Author

Hi Elizabeth,

There's a group of readers who reach out to me pretty regularly with words of support, and when I decided to post this, I asked them if they'd be willing to comment with a few words on why they enjoy reading. It felt like a good way to perhaps drum up some excitement. What I hear you saying is that you surmised as much...

... and that you're thinking that if I fully believed what I wrote-- that I see, within the natural order of things, that I can give freely with the faith that I will receive what I need-- then I wouldn't have asked them to make those comments...

... and that if I don't fully believe in my own message, how can I ask others to step into it with me?

There's a lot of wisdom in what you're pointing out. In fact, something does feel off about what I chose to do here. To that, I'll say this:

It's an ongoing process for me. I'm learning to trust it. Some days, I'm ready to dive in fully. Others, it's more of a wade, first into shallow water and then deeper, but with some return trips to take refuge on the shore. We live in a world that says, "Be afraid! You're going to wind up without enough! In fact, you are not enough!," and unlearning that is tough. In that regard, I think what you're picking up on/calling out here is fear/me grasping at control/me trying to hedge my bets.

The good thing is that I have new chances to further my trust in each moment of each day. What you've said-- both here and in our recent email exchange-- is new data in my analysis of how to go about trying to earn an income from my writing.

What I do in the future is likely to vary based on what I learned with this go-round. Thanks for helping me learn.

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Jonathan, you can never be where you are not. There is no perfection here.

I'll try to clarify my thoughts. I don't think it is inherently a false thing to ask your readers to give you reviews of your work for others to read. For me it just wasn't clear that is what was happening.

Which is silly of me as it was very apparent.

It just felt confused to me, as did your post.

And I'll say again you have every right to ask for payment for your work. But maybe more simply, more directly. 'I would love to be able to support myself through my writing, if you can support me in that it would be wonderful.'

I felt the post itself was telling me I needed to give to you to receive from you. And maybe for me personally it is a difficult message.

Many have paywalls up. Some have reviews of their work scattered through their posts. It's a personal choice. Don't listen to me, listen to yourself. Your readers know what they receive from you and if they can give back financially.

I'm sorry I weighed in, you don't need my voice crowding you.

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No apology necessary! You gave me another angle to think on, and I'm glad for that. I hope you keep reading.

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Thanks Jonathan, I'll come back.

I need to change my habits and make space to write for myself in longer form. I did today, it felt good. To just amble wherever I needed to go.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jonathan Neeley

These beautiful nuggets that hit my inbox are a GIFT! Jonathan’s stories and writings are like an old friend who texts me randomly to reminisce or tell a story, or just say hi. Thanks for sharing as always!

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